Individual Therapy

Individual Therapy

Right now you’re dealing with a specific challenge in your life that’s making you feel stressed and anxious. You generally have good mental health and function fairly okay in your day-to-day life. However, this particular issue is keeping you up at night, draining your energy, affecting your ability to concentrate and perform your best at work, and putting a damper on your personal life.


You feel like your “cup of water” is full and find yourself getting irritated easily, having an outsized emotional reaction to seemingly minor events like waiting in line to be served at a shop. You just aren’t your usual self and it bothers you.


You may also be experiencing the everyday kind of anxiety that typically arises when dealing with stressful events. You find yourself always thinking that the worst is going to happen – this is the essence of anxiety. You are caught up in thinking about all the “What if?” scenarios, worrying and catastrophising.

Anxiety in social situations

Maybe you find yourself particularly distressed when dealing with social situations, such as being in groups, work meetings, giving presentations, job interviews, attending personal social events, or going on dates. The fear of judgment from others weighs heavily on you. While you manage to get through these situations, you dread them and feel rather tense, nervous and uncomfortable in them. You might even notice physical manifestations like blushing and a racing heart, as well as experience an overwhelming urge to escape these moments.

Coping skills and support

You have been trying hard to solve your current problem on your own, and you are feeling stuck and confused. You know you could benefit from some extra help. You want to feel better. You want to feel less stressed and anxious when facing particular challenging situations in your life. You are eager to get some support to help you deal with this issue and learn coping skills that can help you not only get through your current challenge but empower you to deal with future life challenges.
In this imperfect world of ours, we all face challenges. Know that you are not alone. And know that you do not have to go through it alone. Everyone encounters challenges and struggles at different points in their lives.
We cannot stop the inevitable “waves” of life from coming, but we can strive to ride them skillfully.

Seeking help is a healthy response. It takes courage and strength to acknowledge that we need help with a problem. Taking steps early on can prevent our difficulties from escalating and our psychological wellbeing from deteriorating further.

Learn how to:
  • reduce your stress and anxiety levels

  • face social situations with greater ease and confidence

  • live a life more true to yourself

  • enhance your psychological wellbeing

Goal-focussed Therapy

* Access therapy easily and conveniently online * In person available in Gladstone Park, Melbourne*

Dr. Linda Troselj offers a personalised approach of individual therapy for adults navigating  stress and anxiety during life’s challenges. Her approach focuses on goal-oriented therapy. The typical number of sessions falls within the range of 3 to 8.

Therapy focuses on understanding the challenges you are currently facing in life, working with you to establish clear goals, and teaching relevant coping skills to enhance your coping ability.

As a trained clinical psychologist, Dr. Linda has a suite of research informed skills that she draws from in her work.

In sessions, Dr. Linda endeavours to create a supportive space for learning, reflection and personal growth.

Common Therapy Goals

Following are four key areas we can support you with:​

Manage anxious thoughts when facing life challenges

In times of stress, it’s common for people to also experience feelings of anxiety. For instance, being made redundant can not only cause stress but also anxiety like thinking “I won’t be able to find another job.” Our thoughts play a key role in determining how we feel and behave. Our service can help you learn how to:

  • Improve your mindset
  • Worry less
  • Ease up on overthinking
  • Ease up on always thinking the worst-case scenario

Experience greater ease in social situations

Social situations can give rise to anxiety for some people. Situations like being in groups, work meetings, giving presentations, job interviews, attending personal social events or going on dates. People can experience fear, dread, tension and worry in social situations. Often they feel afraid about how others may be judging them. For instance, at a party someone may think that others are looking at them and thinking something negative about them like that they are weird, silly or boring. People can also experience physical symptoms like fast breathing, a pounding heart and tense muscles in such anxiety provoking situations.

Be more confident to live my life true to myself

It can be hard for some people to live their lives in a way that honours their needs and desires. They can feel anxious and afraid about the judgement and potential negative reactions of others. This can lead to unhelpful behaviours like people pleasing where you end up twisting and contorting yourself into someone you are not, ultimately losing a sense of your true self and feeling unhappy.  Our therapy service can help you learn how to:

  • Speak up more confidently to express your needs, and to share your thoughts and opinions, thereby honouring your true self.
  • Set limits with others to protect your needs and psychological wellbeing.
  • Uncover the unhelpful thoughts driving your people pleasing behaviour.

In life we all face challenges that we can feel stressed about like work, relationships, our emotional wellbeing, health, finances and personal resources (e.g., time). We can feel overwhelmed by our circumstances and sometimes be at a loss about how best to cope. Our  service can help you learn ways to:

  • Manage your emotions
  • Problem solve your stressful situation
  • Access relevant supports
  • Build up your coping skills

You cannot wait on others, to make you feel happy and fulfilled. Only you know what your deep desires and dreams are. So, the bad news is that no-one is coming to make YOUR desires and dreams come true. The good news is that YOU can take self-responsibility and action to bring about more happiness, meaning and ease into your life. Our service can help you create a life that lights you up, that energises you, and aligns with your true self. We can guide you to:

  • Gain greater clarity on your life direction.
  • Uncover your life values, vision and goals.
  • Live a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

There are aspects of your work that you may be struggling with that are impacting negatively upon your psychological wellbeing. Perhaps it is a difficult co-worker, job dissatisfaction, high workload, work-life imbalance, or dealing with organisational changes. Our service can help you:

  • Find ways to improve your psychological wellbeing at work
  • Feel less annoyed by a co-worker 
  • Manage difficult co-worker relationships
  • Learn how to switch off from work
  • Improve your work-life balance
  • Feel more in control of your schedule 
  • Feel supported to pursue your dream career
  • Cope with organisational changes like redundancy

Manage anxious thoughts when facing life challenges

In times of stress, it’s common for people to also experience feelings of anxiety. For instance, being made redundant can not only cause stress but also anxiety like thinking “I won’t be able to find another job.” Our thoughts play a key role in determining how we feel and behave. Our counselling service can help you learn how to:

  • Improve your mindset
  • Worry less
  • Ease up on overthinking
  • Ease up on always thinking the worst-case scenario


Experience greater ease in social situations

Social situations can give rise to anxiety for some people. Situations like being in groups, work meetings, giving presentations, job interviews, attending personal social events or going on dates. People can experience fear, dread, tension and worry in social situations. Often they feel afraid about how others may be judging them. For instance, at a party someone may think that others are looking at them and thinking something negative about them like that they are weird, silly or boring. People can also experience physical symptoms like fast breathing, a pounding heart and tense muscles in such anxiety provoking situations.


Be more confident to live my life true to myself

It can be hard for some people to live their lives in a way that honours their needs and desires. They can feel anxious and afraid about the judgement and potential negative reactions of others. This can lead to unhelpful behaviours like people pleasing where you end up twisting and contorting yourself into someone you are not, ultimately losing a sense of your true self and feeling unhappy.  Our counselling service can help you learn how to:

  • Speak up more confidently to express your needs, and to share your thoughts and opinions, thereby honouring your true self.
  • Set limits with others to protect your needs and psychological wellbeing.
  • Uncover the unhelpful thoughts driving your people pleasing behaviour.

In life we all face challenges that we can feel stressed about like work, relationships, our emotional wellbeing, health, finances and personal resources (e.g., time). We can feel overwhelmed by our circumstances and sometimes be at a loss about how best to cope. Our counselling service can help you learn ways to:

  • Manage your emotions
  • Problem solve your stressful situation
  • Access relevant supports
  • Build up your coping skills

You cannot wait on others, including your employer, to make you feel happy and fulfilled. Only you know what your deep desires and dreams are. So, the bad news is that no-one is coming to make YOUR desires and dreams come true. The good news is that YOU can take self-responsibility and action to bring about more happiness, meaning and ease into your life. Our counselling service can help you create a life that lights you up, that energises you, and aligns with your true self. We can guide you to:

  • Gain greater clarity on your life direction.
  • Uncover your life values, vision and goals.
  • Live a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

There are aspects of your work that you may be struggling with that are impacting negatively upon your psychological wellbeing. Perhaps it is a difficult co-worker, job dissatisfaction, high workload, work-life imbalance, or dealing with organisational changes. Our counselling service can help you:

  • Find ways to improve your psychological wellbeing at work
  • Feel less annoyed by a co-worker 
  • Manage difficult co-worker relationships
  • Learn how to switch off from work
  • Improve your work-life balance
  • Feel more in control of your schedule 
  • Feel supported to pursue your dream career
  • Cope with organisational changes like redundancy

Manage anxious thoughts when facing life challenges

In times of stress, it’s common for people to also experience feelings of anxiety. For instance, being made redundant can not only cause stress but also anxiety like thinking “I won’t be able to find another job.” Our thoughts play a key role in determining how we feel and behave. Our counselling service can help you learn how to:

  • Improve your mindset
  • Worry less
  • Ease up on overthinking
  • Ease up on always thinking the worst-case scenario


Experience greater ease in social situations

Social situations can give rise to anxiety for some people. Situations like being in groups, work meetings, giving presentations, job interviews, attending personal social events or going on dates. People can experience fear, dread, tension and worry in social situations. Often they feel afraid about how others may be judging them. For instance, at a party someone may think that others are looking at them and thinking something negative about them like that they are weird, silly or boring. People can also experience physical symptoms like fast breathing, a pounding heart and tense muscles in such anxiety provoking situations.


Be more confident to live my life true to myself

It can be hard for some people to live their lives in a way that honours their needs and desires. They can feel anxious and afraid about the judgement and potential negative reactions of others. This can lead to unhelpful behaviours like people pleasing where you end up twisting and contorting yourself into someone you are not, ultimately losing a sense of your true self and feeling unhappy.  Our counselling service can help you learn how to:

  • Speak up more confidently to express your needs, and to share your thoughts and opinions, thereby honouring your true self.
  • Set limits with others to protect your needs and psychological wellbeing.
  • Uncover the unhelpful thoughts driving your people pleasing behaviour.

In life we all face challenges that we can feel stressed about like work, relationships, our emotional wellbeing, health, finances and personal resources (e.g., time). We can feel overwhelmed by our circumstances and sometimes be at a loss about how best to cope. Our counselling service can help you learn ways to:

  • Manage your emotions
  • Problem solve your stressful situation
  • Access relevant supports
  • Build up your coping skills

You cannot wait on others, including your employer, to make you feel happy and fulfilled. Only you know what your deep desires and dreams are. So, the bad news is that no-one is coming to make YOUR desires and dreams come true. The good news is that YOU can take self-responsibility and action to bring about more happiness, meaning and ease into your life. Our counselling service can help you create a life that lights you up, that energises you, and aligns with your true self. We can guide you to:

  • Gain greater clarity on your life direction.
  • Uncover your life values, vision and goals.
  • Live a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

There are aspects of your work that you may be struggling with that are impacting negatively upon your psychological wellbeing. Perhaps it is a difficult co-worker, job dissatisfaction, high workload, work-life imbalance, or dealing with organisational changes. Our counselling service can help you:

  • Find ways to improve your psychological wellbeing at work
  • Feel less annoyed by a co-worker 
  • Manage difficult co-worker relationships
  • Learn how to switch off from work
  • Improve your work-life balance
  • Feel more in control of your schedule 
  • Feel supported to pursue your dream career
  • Cope with organisational changes like redundancy
This therapy service is not appropriate for your needs if:
  • You are dealing with severe and complex mental health issues, including severe addiction. It is recommended that you see your doctor for assessment and appropriate referral.
  • You are currently involved in legal proceedings and seeking psychological services for support in these matters.
  • You are on WorkCover or TAC.
  • You are experiencing domestic violence or are at high risk of harming yourself. Please contact Lifeline on ph: 13 11 14 or 1800 RESPECT on ph: 1800 737 732, or call 000 if your life is in danger.

To learn more about how to book in your first therapy appointment, please click on the button below

Need Urgent Help?

Please note: This is not a crisis service and we are unable to support people who are at risk of harm or currently experiencing domestic violence. Please contact the following services which provide 24/7 support:

  • Lifeline on Ph: 13 11 14 or
  • 1800 RESPECT on Ph: 1800 737 732

Or call 000 if your life is in danger.

Backhaus, A., Agha, Z., Maglione, M. L., Repp, A., Ross, B., Zuest, D., Rice-Thorp, N. M., Lohr, J., & Thorp, S. R. (2012). Videoconferencing psychotherapy: A systematic review. Psychological Services, 9(2), 111–131.

Robinson, L., Delgadillo, J., & Kellett, S. (2018). The dose-response effect in routinely delivered psychological therapies: A systematic review. Psychotherapy Research, 30(1), 79-96.

Varker, T., Brand, R. M., Ward, J., Terhaag, S., & Phelps, A. (2019). Efficacy of synchronous telepsychology interventions for people with anxiety, depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, and adjustment disorder: A rapid evidence assessment. Psychological Services, 16(4), 621–635.